Admission going-on 2024-2025

Admission Registration

Counseling Code 4925



Sun College of Engineering and Technology, Vellamodi has constituted Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) on Anti Sexual Harassment as per the guidelines issued by the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement dated 13th August, 1997, UGC as per the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace ( Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. ICC is committed to providing the safe academic and working environment to all students and staff. Internal. Complaints Committee meets on a need basis to address any complaints from students, Teaching and nonteaching members and takes necessary action. Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee is reconstituted to provide the effective enforcement of the basic human rights of gender equality and guarantee against sexual harassment and abuse. The committee works for the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women at Sun College of Engineering and Technology towards zero-tolerance policy. The committee shall meet at least once in a semester and the term of the members of the Committee in three years.
⦁ 1. To develop the multidisciplinary approach for the overall personality development
⦁ 2. To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender-based discrimination.
⦁ 3. To provide a safe and good academic environment to students and staffs.
⦁ 4. To create awareness on the issue of sexual harassment by conducting workshops and lectures.
⦁ 5. To develop the self-confidence among women and guide them about Women Welfare Laws.
⦁ 6. To direct Women's role in society and highlight the importance of health and hygiene.
⦁ 7. To review the complaints if any received from lady staff members and gir;'s students and take appropriate action.
⦁ 8. to create awareness and ensure a safe environment that is free of sexual harassment.
⦁ 9. To prevent sexual harassment by promoting gender amity among staff and students.
⦁ 10. To deal the cases of sexual harassment in time and ensuring support services for the termination of the harassment.


A committee by title 'Internal Complaints Committee' is hereby reconstituted, with immediate effect, to take action on the complaints of sexual harassment reported by any aggrieved women staff member or women student at the workplace in the college campus, Sun College of Engineering and Technology for a tenure of 2024-27.

S. No Name Designation Representation
1. Dr. Sunitha T Principal Chairman
2. Mrs. Roselin Reena M Assistant Professor Convener
3. Mr. Sankar K Assistant Professor Member
4. Mrs. Sindhu A S Assistant Professor Member
5. Mr. Suresh N Assistant Professor Member
6. Mrs. Asha P Assistant Professor Member
7. Karthika S Student Student Member
8. Abijo S Student Student Member
9. Arthi Student Student Member

The member of the committee shall hold office for a period of 3 years or until revoked or modified.


Minutes of the first meeting of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in SCET

The first meeting of ICC to review the cases of sexual harassment of SCET was held on 02.12.2024 at 2.00 pm in the seminar Hall.

⦁ 1. To create awareness and ensure a safe environment that is free of sexual harassment.
⦁ 2. To prevent sexual harassment by promoting gender amity among staff and students
⦁ 3. To deal the cases of sexual harassment in time and ensuring support services for the termination of the harassment.

The Following members of ICC attended the meeting:
S. No Name Designation
1. Dr. Sunitha T Principal
2. Mrs. Roselin Reena M Assistant Professor
3. Mr. Sankar K Assistant Professor
4. Mrs. Sindhu A S Assistant Professor
5. Mr. Suresh N Assistant Professor
6. Mrs. Asha P Assistant Professor
7. Karthika S III Year Student
8. Abijo S II Year Student
9. Arthi First Year Student

⦁ The Chairperson welcomed the members of ICC and thanked them for their cooperation and valuable suggestions for the successful functioning of the ICC during the year 2024 26. The Chairperson also welcomed the new members of ICC namely
• The Committee noted that no complaint of sexual harassment has been received from any woman employee of this Department. It was emphasized that in order to create awareness and continuous sensitization among the employees, it is essential to place banners/posters/notices defining sexual harassment at prominent places in the SCET.
• The Chairperson conveyed her thanks to the members for attending the meeting and the members agreed that the Committee will meet every year on a regular basis or earlier, if need arise.
• Meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.
Period 2024-2027
No. of complaints received: 0
No. of complaints disposed of: 0
No. of cases pending for more than 90 days: Nil
Nature of action taken by the employer/DO: Nil